A long, long time ago.... I had a blog. And I enjoyed that blog, until one day I found out that I had nothing to write about. And the days went by and one after another they passed, still with noting to write about, until one day when I had news.... I'm pregnant!!
Ha, ha. Just kidding! No news here. I just wanted everyone out there to have the same feelings I get every month as I wait and wait and then find out... no, not this month. It's not that getting pregnant is all I have to live for. I love my husband. I love our house. I even like my job most days. It's just that once we got the go ahead and all the pieces were in place it seemed like everything would happen quickly. I guess two very intelligent medical professionals might know what they are talking about after all when they say it could take me a while to get pregnant.
And so the months go by, and by, and by, and now it is September! Can you believe it? Fall is coming, football is here, and it is definitely my favorite time of the year! I try to stay on the bright side and think at least I have one more football game with beer! :o) haha But seriously, it is such an emotional roller coaster this TTC. I am just thankful to have good friends who are supportive and the internet to turn to for questions.
I am a little nervous though, because our really close friends are getting married in June (you know, 9 months from now) and I've had some wavering thoughts on continuing to try this month. On the one hand if we try and nothing, then no one would have to know. On the other, if this just happens to be the month, and we don't try... well... you know, that would suck. If we try and get pregnant at least there would be a good warning on the "Hey, I can't be in your wedding." But I'm afraid that would hurt our friends feelings. I know... I'm worrying too much. I guess that is just the future mother in me. I'm a worrier!
Then to add even more awful to the mix, we are now entering the time of year when people who get pregnant are really really pregnant in the summer.... in ALABAMA! Now, I know most of you who read my blog are not from Alabama, so you will need to picture being big ole preggers with all the swelling, weight, and pain on the surface of the sun, and you will understand this dilemma. Now, not that it will stop us from trying, but damn that just sounds awful!
LOL! Oh well.... put on a happy face! :o)